Friends, meet Tommy!
Tommy, meet the world!

Since I sold my 2007 Chevy Equinox before leaving Portland and until now my main mode of transportation has been my feet. Occasionally, through the kindness of friends old and new, I’ve been able to hitch a ride here or there and on several occasions rented a car. As detailed in my last blog, renting a car comes with some responsibilities, like returning it in one piece and undamaged. Since that update I found out a new rear guard for a Ford Falcon cost about $300. A lot less than the $1150 Europcar placed as a hold on my credit card.

That was pretty much the final straw to push me into buying my own vehicle. Over the last
month or so I had been jumping back and forth between what type of car I wanted. I was sure I didn’t want another new car after the financial loss I left in Portland. I knew I did want something that I could take out into the woods camping and skiing (it’s that time of year here). After the Easter incident I realized I wanted to be able to go where I wanted and not be limited by the car. So while waiting for the final statement of damages from the rental company I began eagerly searching for some type of 4x4 with sleeping accommodations. This time luck was on my side and I quickly found what has affectionately been named Tommy the Tank. A 1990 Mitsubishi Pajero, on a Craig’s list like website called Gumtree. A splendid young German couple, Silvio and Petra, who were living on Tommy and travelling around Australia and looking to sell it. The time had come for them to make a long trip up to Darwin before returning to their homeland. After negotiating a price and obtaining a Road Worthy Certificate (needed to sell and register a vehicle) last Friday night Tommy the Tank became mine.
I came up with that name because people were calling it a Toorak Tractor. Toorak is a ritzy neighbourhood where all the soccer moms drive 4x4 but never really take them off road. I decided on Tommy the Tank because this is one of the last big heavy steel vehicles and with that kangaroo bar on the front I’ll be able to roll over most other cars in my way.
Friday night about 11pm I did take Tommy out and went to a bar. What used to take me 60 minutes on public transportation only took me 15 in my new wheels! Because of the VERY strict DUI laws I only had 1 drink in 2 hours a savings of about $60 off my usual bar tab. I also saved $20 by not having to get a cab ride home. SWEET!
Saturday morning I organized all the camping gear Silvio and Petra gave me and repacked my gear into the back. Now I have more storage space in my bedroom and am ready to hit the road at a moment’s notice.
On Sunday, my friend, Dean took me out near Healesville close to where the bush fires had been

for a little 4x4 up Mt Donna Bonang (I probably got the 2nd word wrong but that's what it sounds like when everyone says it) On our way up the dirt road on what was a cold, windy rainy day. The liquid sunshine turned into white sunshine! I hadn’t seen snow since the spring of ’08 on my last ski trip and forgot how much I missed it. Dean couldn’t remember the last time he had seen snow. We played around a little and I got a feel for my new rig. There was only about 3” on the ground at the summit reaching just about 1300m (4000’) which was perfect and didn’t require chains. A fantastic voyage for my first test of the 4x4 systems and one of the most fun

days I have had since moving here! IT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!! (boy doesn't that statement date me)
Since then Tommy has sat in my gated spot at home, waiting for the next adventure. I have no plans to drive Tommy to/and from work. What takes me 12 minutes on the train would take 45 in rush hour traffic. A train pass for the week cost $29 and its $30 a day to park by my office. So being the cheap bitch I am there’s no way I’ll be driving it to work.
The rest of May is fairly busy with band engagements. We have 2 performance and some extra
practices. So I’m hoping to get out a little before the Queen’s Birthday (our next long weekend) in June. I’m sure there’ll be time for day trips and I am in the process of finding out where to get off road.
I’m not sure when the next update will be so just in case Happy Mother’s Day to my mother, my step mother and my high school mom. Cards will be in the mail soon after I actually buy them. Happy birthday to Shelley Smith who turns 40 something on the 17th and to Roger Vines who is also 40 something on the 22nd.
Take care love and miss you all!
(I know you are all saying FINALLY A SHORT BLOG ENTRY!!!!LOL)
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